Your trusted partner in Jonathan's Landing for real estate and home concierge.

We're honored to serve as the recommended Home Concierge partner in the Jonathan's Landing community. Committed to quality service, we provide a specialized array of services designed specifically for the unique needs of this exceptional community.

Our mission is clear

Deliver the best-in-class home watch and concierge service that delights and caters to all our members needs

At Holland Group Home Concierge, we are committed to providing personalized services with an unwavering focus on meticulous attention to detail. Our mission is to cultivate absolute trust by delivering comprehensive and tailored home services. We hold a profound commitment to genuinely serving our members and fostering strong relationships within their communities.

Listening to the needs of our clients and partners has always been our compass. In response to their requests and in synergy with our real estate operations, we've expanded our horizons to offer comprehensive home concierge services. We believe that understanding their demands and delivering beyond expectations is the cornerstone of our success.

John Holland

Owner, Manager

Listening to the needs of our clients and partners has always been our compass. In response to their requests and in synergy with our real estate operations, we've expanded our horizons to offer comprehensive home watch services. We believe that understanding their demands and delivering beyond expectations is the cornerstone of our success.

John Holland

Owner, Manager

Find out more

Book a consultation

We love to connect with new clients! Uncertain about your needs? Drop us a message, and we'll get back to you promptly.

Whether you're buying or selling a home or seeking the peace of mind that comes with professional home concierge services, we're here to provide you with exceptional solutions tailored to your unique requirements. We are dedicated to personalized service, meticulously focused on every detail. Whether the task is substantial or minor, intricate or straightforward, nothing will escape our attention. Our goal is to instill absolute trust in our capacity to deliver complete, tailored satisfaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re looking for more information about our team, we’d love to help.

What is Home concierge?
Why do I need Home concierge?
How often will my home be visited?
What do our Home visits entail?
Can you coordinate maintenance and repairs?
Can you assist with home improvement projects?
 How do I access information about my property?
 What happens if an emergency occurs?
 How do I get started with Home Concierge services?
Is Holland Group Home Concierge affiliated with Holland Group Real Estate?