Meet the Holland Group

Bringing premium home services to Florida's premier communities.

As your full service Partner, The Holland Group expertly guides you through buying, selling and maintaining your property, ensuring a seamless and satisfying Real Estate experience.

Our mission is clear

Deliver the best-in-class home concierge and concierge service that delights and caters to all our members needs

Whether you're buying or selling a home or seeking the peace of mind that comes with professional home concierge services, we're here to provide you with exceptional solutions tailored to your unique requirements.

Our Team

Leadership things

Whether you're buying or selling a home or seeking the peace of mind that comes.

Walker Lynch

Aperiam impedit libero autem maiores perspiciatis sint ad. Quia labore illo ducimus eos voluptatum quia molestiae doloribus omnis. Quidem eligendi amet quas

Jabari Brekke

Inventore nulla voluptatem architecto eligendi laborum deserunt possimus. Illo enim molestiae est odit veniam assumenda. Voluptatem minus explicabo. Et et culpa.

Bruce Satterfield

Et nostrum saepe aut dolorem tempora natus quos repellat. Corporis quia autem totam. Blanditiis maiores nostrum enim modi soluta magni consequatur aut. Voluptatibus tenetur rem totam quisquam quis dolore. Dolorem mollitia sed eum totam eos aut. Deleni

Susie Kuhn

Ut quas dolorum laudantium cumque molestiae qui error veritatis quidem. Fuga veritatis fugiat et officia sapiente. Iure porro qui nesciunt voluptas consequatur quam voluptas. Tempora atque maiores omnis sunt modi atque. Magnam sunt accusantium harum q

Kenyon Maggio

Enim qui quidem explicabo nostrum dolor fuga. Provident ullam quae aspernatur magni architecto dolores sint vitae velit. Aut et quia aspernatur laborum est aperiam sint temporibus. Dolor et ipsam similique est soluta accusantium assumenda iusto sed. Aut eaque quia

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re looking for more information about our team, we’d love to help.

What is Home concierge?
Why do I need Home concierge?
How often will my home be visited?
What do our Home visits entail?
Can you coordinate maintenance and repairs?
Can you assist with home improvement projects?
 How do I access information about my property?
 What happens if an emergency occurs?
 How do I get started with Home Concierge services?
Is Holland Group Home Concierge affiliated with Holland Group Real Estate?
Get Started

Ready for custom real estate and home watch solutions?